
2020年7月26日—JKBGames.Search.Info.Shopping.Taptounmute...JKBGames.93.7Ksubscribers.MegaManX:Corrupted-1HourGameplay.JKBGames.Search.Info.,2023年3月25日—MegaManX:Corruptedisanunofficial,fan-madegameindevelopmentbyJKBGames.Beginningin2007,itgraduallygrewfromacodingexercise ...,MegaManXCorruptedalsoknownas(ロックマンX壊れた)isanunofficial,fan-madegameindevelopmentbyJohnK.Bacchus(alsoknownasJKB)c...

【閒聊】[MegaMan X

2020年7月26日 — JKB Games. Search. Info. Shopping. Tap to unmute ... JKB Games. 93.7K subscribers. MegaMan X: Corrupted - 1 Hour Gameplay. JKB Games. Search. Info.

MegaMan X

2023年3月25日 — MegaMan X: Corrupted is an unofficial, fan-made game in development by JKB Games. Beginning in 2007, it gradually grew from a coding exercise ...

Mega Man X

Mega Man X Corrupted also known as (ロックマン X 壊れた) is an unofficial, fan-made game in development by John K. Bacchus (also known as JKB) coded in AS3 ...


I'm John K. Bacchus known as JKB on gaming forums throughout the web. I first started developing games on RPG Maker and recently started making games on Flash.


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